This module is used to connect additional discrete Digital Inputs to the SSE-MAESTRO M2000 or RTU12. The unit is connected to the CPU via a 26-Way ribbon Bus connecter.
Physical Dimension
- Length – 131mm.
- Width – 27mm.
- Height – 114mm.
Digital Input (DIN)
- 24 Channel Opto-Isolated 2, 5 KV RMS Isolation.
Connection Sockets
- Expansion Bus and Unit Power: 26-Way Ribbon.
- I/O’s: Either through three pluggable 14-Way ribbon connectors to BB IO protection modules, or through three pluggable 10-Way screw terminal connectors.
Ordering Information
- Module with 14-Way pluggable ribbon connectors: SSE-DIN24/14 for Maestro M2000 or RTU12
- Module with 10-Way pluggable screw terminal connectors: SSE-DIN24/10 for Maestro M2000 or RTU12